Affiliates Area - Per ITALIANO Clicca Qui

Conversions at 1 a 21! That's almost 5%!
Refund rate 0%
These statistics are almost unheard of in the weight loss Niche.

(Click to enlarge the image.)
I can also provide live proof if you would like.

NOTE: The 'Earnings Per Hop' and 'Initial Sales Amount' shown is obviously from the vendor account - calculated on 30%.
The affiliate receives 70%, so on the affiliates reporting it will show earnings at about $105 and Earnings Per Hop at about $1.24


Tired of the super competitive Clickbank English Language Market Place?

Wouldn't you like to find a Niche that you know converts well, with little affiliate competition, and where the current webmasters in the Niche have very little SEO experience?

As a Clickbank affiliate myself I know how frustrating it can be trying find a lucrative Niche in the Clickbank market place. I have many great marketing strategies that convert well, but as you already know, it's tough when hundreds and even thousands of affiliates are promoting the same product, and everyone is fighting for those same few lucrative keywords.

How many times have you told yourself "I should have started affiliate marketing sooner!"
I know I have, many times. I wish I had been around in 2003/2004 when finding profitable and uncompetitive keywords was like shooting fish in a barrel...

A Clickbank product with a High Gravity is (usually) a good indicator that the product converts well, but it's also a very good indicator that the Niche is going to be super competitive.

What makes a lot more sense is to find a product, with a Good sales page, in a Niche that you know converts, with little affiliate competition, and where the current webmasters in the Niche have little SEO experience...

Affiliates of 'Dieta Addio' Will
Earn 70% (€23) For Every Sale, in Euros!

Last Updated: September the 27th 2012



1. The price of Dieta Addio will increase within 2/3 months to 37 Euros. Keep that in mind if you intend to mention the price in your sales copy.

2. New affiliates should note that due to the nature of how people interact on the Internet they often return a few days or even weeks later to purchase the product. For this reason the first 2 weeks or even the first month will usually see less conversions than the following weeks.


What's so Great about Promoting Our Clickbank Products in the Italian Market?

  • This is like the Internet in 2003 and 2004. Affiliate Marketing in Italy is still in its infancy. There is little competition and where there is you'll find that many of the websites are poorly optimized. Often your competitors on Google's 1st page will have paid scant attention to Title Tags, Decriptions, URLs, H1 tags etc.
    Simple sniper methods (like buying exact match domain names) work extremely well, often requiring no backlinking whatsoever!
  • There are many high traffic Buyer Keyword Phrases with very little competition.
  • If you already promote a similar product in the English market place it's easy to convert your content into an Italian. If not, there's plenty of great content out there that you can change to your liking and then get translated into Italian. is a great place to get English translated to Italian for relatively cheap.
    (Read the customer reviews to find the best translators.)
  • You'll see the results of your hard work a lot sooner than you will in the English Market Place, and you'll require much less off-page SEO (backlinks!) to rank in the Search Engines.
  • Tired of Slaps, Pandas, Penguins and Algo changes? The Italian Internet is far from the roller coaster ride that the English Internet has become.
  • High Commissions and High CONVERSION RATE:
    Perhaps not only the highest conversion rate in the weight loss Niche but probably in the entire Clickbank Italian market place.
    (We have really paid attention to the smallest of details which most affiliates don't normally consider. You'll notice that even the Clickbank Order Form is Optimized.)
  • There are 70 million Italian-first-language speakers. Italian is (99%) only spoken in Europe (and in Italy mostly) so unlike the Spanish market (for example) you will be targeting people who ONLY earn Euro currrency.
    Why is this relevant? Because there is a big difference in traffic 'quality' from countries where people earn South American currency, compared with traffic from countries whose currency is the Euro, or the Dollar.
  • NOTE: This product is created by a mother tongue Italian speaker specifically for the Italian market. This is Not an English Clickbank product simply hired out and translated into Italian.
    (There are many cultural intricacies and even social 'faux pas' which simply can't, and even shouldn't be given a straight translation.
    I have even found grammar mistakes in the order blocks of some translated Clickbank Italian products. You can bet that's going to effect your conversions...)
  • 24/7 Affiliate Support. You'll struggle to find better affiliate support for a Clickbank product. Let us know what you require and we're willing to help you achieve that.
  • Refund Rates Less Than 2%.


If you are sick and tired of trying to rank your websites in the highly competitive English Clickbank market place, and always wishing that you could have started affiliate marketing in the good' ol days of the Internet, like 2003, then this is your opportunity!


WANTED: 25 Top Affiliates

Your Unfair Advantage:
Be The First To Hear About Our New Clickbank Product Launches.


I'm looking to partner with just 25 Affiliates who are serious about making money in the Italian Market. You'll be informed long before we release our new Clickbanks products. You'll get information about the product, the Niche, and profitable keywords.

This is a huge advantage because you'll be able establish yourself in a Niche and earn good money long before any competition arrives.

You can contact us, Marcus & Sara, at  order button

Include in the Subject Line "Priority Affiliate Request".

Once I have 25 Affiliates this partnership offer will be removed.


How Much Money Can I Make?

You'll earn 70% commission on €32.95, so that's €23 per sale you make.

If you make only 2 sales per week with a simple 4/5 page sniper site you can make €207 per month.


Getting Started Promoting Our Product

For those of you who are brand new to affiliate marketing, here's a very basic overview of how it works. First, you sign up to Clickbank and create your unique hoplink (explained below). Next, you work to send traffic to our website and for every sale you generate you will earn 70% of our product's price.

order button

Step 1. Join Clickbank (Click here)

Step 2. Use your promotional tools and links on your website/blog or newsletter to target visitors to our site.

Step 3. Earn commission from Clickbank.


Affiliate Tools

Hoplink Generator - Create Your Affiliate Links

Step 1) Enter your Clickbank ID into the field below

Step 2) Enter your TID if you are using them to track your links (optional)

Step 3) Click "Create Hoplink"

Step 4) Copy your hoplink and use it to send traffic to


ClickBank Information:

ClickBank ID:

ClickBank Tracking ID (TID):


PPC Keywords

Google is the overwhelming search engine of choice in Italy (like it or not) with a market share of 88% of all daily Internet searches! They are followed by Virgilio & Alice with 5% market share, Bing with 3%, and Yahoo with 2%.

That being said, the use of Google PPC campaigns in specific Clickbank niches is still very small. One can often purchase Buyer Keywords for only a few cents. The reason for this, I suspect, is that if there is any competition for a keyword phrase (often there is no competition!), chances are the hard goods being marketed have a smaller profit margin (certainly much smaller than Clickbank products) and therefore they need to see results with little expenditure.

Google's content network is also a powerful way to drive traffic. I suspect the Italian web audience is a little less Ad Blind than the average American, Brit or Aussie...
And again, people in Italy are much less savvy about Internet marketing. They don't have that "Ad reaction" that some people in the States may have, when they click from an Adwords Ad to a Clickbank sales page.


Buyer keywords for the Weight Loss Niche:

When using Google's Adword Keyword Tool remember to set the Location to Italy and the Language to Italian.

If there are some keyword combinations that you don't understand the Italian to English Google Translate is a very handy tool.

Search the Following Keyword Roots in the Google Adwords Keyword Tool or the keyword tool of your choice:


Call To Action Phrases That GET THE CLICK:

Here are some presell lines that you can adapt and use in your Content.
I suggest that you mix it up a bit otherwise you may end up using the same content as dozens of other affiliates.


Potresti perdere decine di chili semplicemente seguendo questo consiglio un pò strano! Clicca Qui

You could lose dozens of kilos just by following this 1 weird tip! Click Here

Potresti perdere decine di chili semplicemente seguendo questi 3 passaggi. Clicca Qui

You could lose dozens of kilos just by following these 3 steps. Click Here

3 semplici passaggi per ottenere il corpo che hai sempre voluto. Clicca Qui

3 Easy Steps to get the body you always wanted. Click Here

Questi errori nutrizionali "pericolosi" ti stanno mantenendo grasso. Clicca Qui

These 'dangerous' nutrition mistakes are keeping you fat. Click Here

Se vuoi perdere grasso - Ferma la CONFUSIONE In questo Momento! Clicca Qui

If you want to Lose Fat – Stop the CONFUSION Right Now! Clicca Here

Gli alimenti "Salutari" che ritieni ti stiano aiutando in realtà ti stanno facendo mettere su grasso. Clicca Qui

'Health' foods you think are helping are actually making you gain fat.. Click Here

Questi alimenti "sani" ti stanno segretamente mantenendo grasso! Clicca Qui.

These 'Healthy' foods are secretly keeping you fat! Click Here.

Le informazioni confusionarie distribuite dall'industria della dieta sono una tattica voluta per mantenerti grasso. Clicca Qui

The Diet Industry's confusing information is purposefully keeping you Fat. Click Here

Perdi peso in 3 semplici passaggi e non soffrire mai la fame. Clicca Qui

Lose weight in 3 simple steps and never feel hungry. Click Here

Come perdere il grasso della pancia più ostinato in 3 semplici passaggi. Clicca Qui

How to lose the Most Stubborn belly fat in 3 simple steps. Click Here

Brucia il 10% del grasso corporeo nei prossimi 28 giorni. Clicca Qui.

Burn 10% of your body fat in the next 28 days. Click Here.

Smetti di Fare Questo Singolo Errore e potrai finalmente perdere il grasso più ostinato intorno al ventre. Clicca Qui

Stop Making This 1 Mistake and you will finally lose your stubborn belly fat. Click Here

Brucia il grasso corporeo in modo rapido e sicuro, ottieni il corpo che hai sempre voluto, e mantienilo! Clicca Qui

Burn body fat quickly and safely, get the body you always wanted, and keep it! Click Here

Un Suggerimento Insolito per una pancia piatta. Clicca Qui

1 Unusual Tip for a Flat Belly. Click Here

3 semplici passaggi per perdere peso e Finirla con le voglie di cibo. Clicca Qui

3 Simple steps to lose weight and End food cravings. Click Here

Odi il grasso della pancia? Vuoi un ventre piatto? Clicca Qui

Hate Your Fat Belly? Want a flat stomach? Click Here

Sono Stata Truffata dall'industria Dieta. Clicca Qui

I Got Scammed by the Diet Industry. Click Here

Mostra il tuo corpo migliore mai. Clicca Qui

Show Off Your Best Body Ever. Click Here

Piano di perdita di peso passo dopo passo. Clicca Qui

Step-By-Step Fat Loss Plan. Click Here

Esattamente Come Mangiare e Esercitarsi. Clicca Qui

Exactly How To Eat & Train. Click Here

Ho perso il grasso più ostinato della pancia quando ho usato questo semplice sistema a 3 fasi. Clicca Qui

I lost the most stubborn belly fat when I used this simple 3 step system.. Click Here

Ho Lottato Per Anni Con il Mio Sovrappeso Fino a Quando ho Scoperto Questo Segreto. Clicca Qui

I Struggled For Years Being Overweight Until I Discovered This Secret. Click Here

Ho iniziato a perdere grasso ogni settimana Una volta che ho smesso di fare questo errore. Clicca Qui

I Started Losing Fat Every Week Once I Stopped Making This Mistake. Click Here

Vuoi perdere grasso della pancia? Preparati per perdere peso velocemente ... Clicca Qui

Want To Lose Belly Fat? Get Ready To Lose Weight Fast... Click Here

Jeans Skin fit ... Tu Puoi!
Rapidamente riduci il giro vita, perdi il grasso corporeo, e ottieni un corpo magro mozzafiato. Clicca Qui

Skinny Jeans... You Can!
Quickly shrink your waistline, lose body fat, and get a lean stunning body. Click Here

Ho finalmente trovato il segreto. Ho perso il grasso dal ventre più ostinato in 3 semplici passaggi. Clicca Qui

I finally found the secret. I lost my stubborn belly fat in 3 simple steps. Click Here.

Ho lottato per anni per scendere di peso e perdere il grasso della pancia fino a quando mi è stato dato questo consiglio. Clicca Qui

I struggled for years to drop weight and lose belly fat until I discovered this 1 Tip. Click Here

Mi sono imbattuto in un suggerimento insolito che mi ha fatto ridurre il grasso della pancia il mio maniera permanente. Clicca Qui

I stumbled upon 1 Unusual Tip That reduced my Belly Fat permanently. Click Here

Un Suggerimento inusuale per un corpo più snello e un ventre piatto. Clicca Qui

I unusual tip for a leaner body and flatter belly. Click Here

Finalmente ho ottenuto il corpo magro che ho sempre voluto. Clicca Qui.

I finally got the lean body I always wanted. Click Here.

Ottieni il corpo dei tuoi sogni con Dieta Addio. Clicca Qui.

Get the body of your dreams with Dieta Addio. Click Here

Clicca Qui per scoprire 3 Semplici Passaggi da Seguire per Perdere il Grasso Più Ostinato in Modo Permanente!

Click Here to discover 3 Easy Steps to follow to Lose the Most Stubborn Fat Permanently!

Clicca Qui e Guarda i chili sciogliersi, cambiando solo 3 cose che fai ...

Click Here and watch the kilos melt away by changing 3 things that you do...


Product Images & Banners

Remember that 80% - 90% of the sales that you generate will actually come from the text links inside your content. So while banners are a good accompaniment (rather than just having a long page of text) it's compelling content that will get the sale!
I advise you to use Call To Action Phrases That Get The Click, within the content of your pages.

Right click to copy the image and save it to your desktop, and then upload it to your site.





order button


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order button


order button

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order button

SEO For Your Italian Website

1. How to Tell the search engines that your site is in Italian.

You can insert this

<html xmlns="" xml:lang="it" lang="it" dir="ltr">

right at the beginning of your web pages.
The important part is this: xml:lang="it" lang="it" dir="ltr"

or this

<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="it">


If you are a WordPress user, you don't need to switch to Italian WordPress, just insert the above line in header.php (replacing the existing line) here's how...

Click on "Appearance", then click on "Editor".

From the right hand side click on "Header" (header.php)

insert the above line just before <head>

I notice that plenty of Italian sites DO NOT even bother with this. In fact, many use basic HTML (adapted from English websites) which tells the search engines that the site is in English. Yet, the sites still seem to rank well for Italian search terms.
So, don't feel that you Have To Do This, I just personally feel that if I can get an SEO advantage over my competition then I'll take it.


2. SEO for Italian Web Pages

You don't have to be Italian, or even speak Italian, to build an Italian website and optimize Italian pages correctly for the search engines. Here are some basic rules on how to start and where to place your tageted keyword phrase:

  1. Place your list of Italian Keywords into Google Translate (or similar) to understand the meaning of certain keywords. This will give you a better idea of which keywords your exisiting content will match.
  2. Target an Italian Keyword Phrase for each individual web page you build.
  3. For Sniper Sites or smaller sites it's important to include the keyword phrase in the domain. Exact match, if possible.
  4. Title Tag. Place the Keyword Phrase as close to the beginning as possible.
  5. Include the Keyword Phrase anywhere in the Meta Decription
  6. Meta Keywords are largely ignored, especially by Google. This is even more relevant in Italy as Google have 80% - 90% market share.
  7. In the H1 tags. Some say at the beginning is better, I think anywhere is fine. (One can also be guilty of over-optimizing).
    And maybe in another H2 or H3 Title Tag.
  8. Depending on the length of the article, use 3 - 5 keyword phrases throughout the article. (Ask the person who translates your article to do this).
  9. Inter-linking your website is good. You can also include the Keyword phrase in your anchor text.
  10. Not sure how/where to include the Keyword Phrase? It's a different language so it's not always easy to understand the context of the situation.
    A good tactic is to summarise - like you would in a Headline or Banner.
    I find the use of ":" or even "-" works well. For example...
    Keyword Phrase : then say what you want to say
    Keyword Phrase - then say what you want to say

3. Remember to also get your Title Tag, MetaTags, Headings and Pitch Lines translated into Italian.


Thank you,
And to your success!

Sara, Marcus and the Dieta Addio Customer Service Team

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